WinFIG > General Discussion

Unable to export figures with Latex content



I am unable to export files with Latex code in them.  I am running Windows 8, and when I export a file using PdfTex it does not interpret the latex code and the final pdf is not generated.  When I run fig2dev from the command prompt I get the following message:

Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!
No graphics language specified.

Does this mean anything?  Keep in mind I am running windows 8.

Did you look into the log file winfig.log? It's in c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\
Perhaps there is something in there.

The correct commands for a file named foo.fig would be first to create the graphics part:

fig2dev.exe" -L pdftex foo.fig foo.pdf

Then to create the LaTeX part:
fig2dev.exe" -L pdftex_t -p foo.pdf foo.fig foo.tex

Note the -p foo.pdf to add the overlay to the LaTeX.

The message about "Untested Windows version 6.2" comes, because Qt 4.8.3 is from 2011.  But it should not actually prevent WinFIG or fig2dev from working. However, the next WinFIG will include a more recent version, either 4.8.4 or 5.0.1.


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